
Corruptco. Blogfest Update

Before I take off for the weekend, just an update on Corruptco. Blogfest- if you are unfamiliar or want the scoop go here.
The idea is pretty simple, and all bloggers are encouraged to participate. It was suggested that after, certain posts be 'honored' possibly with a graphic to display (like Best Photo,Satire, etc.) etc. Does anyone want to take that on? Coordinating that? I will be listing the participating blogs Monday (with a theme if you have one) but here are some who have told me they could do a post or more- this is not a complete list- And more would be even better! But some participating blogs: UnSpunblog, Lothlorien Path,Ravings of A Semi Sane Madwoman, Born at The Crest of The Empire, Johnny Sutra, Tiger Tale Journal, Rory Shock,Coalition for A Republican Free America, Rage Against Suburbia, Unbrainwashed, Just Ain't Right, Agitprop, The Fat Lady Sings, Take Pause, Adorable Girlfriend, Graeme Anfinson (HB In North Dakota),Blognonymous, Posh Americana, No Blood For Hubris, Earl Bockenfeld, and more!


Yukkione said...

I am preparing a piece as well. Looking foreward to see everyones work. It should prove quite educational, and humorous.

Anonymous said...

LOC, you are wonderful. Always a good sport. And apparently, the cat is a good sport as well...:)

AJ said...

If REX does this, I quit.

Wadena said...

The cat is a good sport!

Did you know that these bastards test shampoos by rubbing them into the eyes of cats?

I have a dream of a world where such things will never be done.

(In fact, cats will never have to take a bath.)

Graeme said...

I can't wait to see what people come up with. have a great weekend everyone

Unknown said...

yes they DO test shampoos (and things like OVEN CLEANER) by NOT rubbing it in animals eyes BUT INJECTING IT in animals eyes (usually bunnies for the ld-50 tests). why do we need a bunny to know that getting oven cleaner in your eyes is dangerous?

Anonymous said...

thats horrible

Anonymous said...

Abi has a guest post at Blognonymous on record oil profits, check him out!

Anonymous said...

Also...a link to a Blogfest graphic here

Feel free to make a graphic, modify, etc. If you need something, email losethenoose@yahoo.com and we can make it!

mikevotes said...

Here's my first contribution.

Link here.

I think I'm on tune.


Drew Dallons said...

I've done a piece called The New Aristocracy. Feel free to add it to the festivus.

Anonymous said...

Looking for information and found it at this great site... saab and accessories and 9 3

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