
Corruptco. Blogfest- Feb 26-March 7

Crossposted at Consider The Boot Blog.

Thats right, folks. Corporation Appreciation Week! A week where we temporarily turn the lights on in the roach-infested world of Corruptco. A week where we will highlight some of our favorite polluters, kid killers, fine-dodgers, and pension raiders. Misogynist boardrooms. Maybe even debate some corporate practices- and the extent that we should try to regulate these practices. Or not.

Update: Some have suggested that participants nominate posts and graphics for recognition when we conclude: Best Post, Best Satire, Best Graphics or Photographic Representation... most Thought Provoking. About all we can offer to the winners of these would be a graphic to display, if you choose, on your blog.

This is how it will work: all you need to do is agree to use your space for a topic related to this theme during Feb 26-March 7. It would be nice if you designated the post as pertaining to Corruptco. Blogfest, or in some way show solidarity. It doesn't matter how. But it would help if bloggers knew the plan to highlight these acts for a reason. Now I am not suggesting that all businesses are bad, and have no positive purpose. The point is to look at crimes against people and nature. Some of the worst offenders, and the issue of accountability.

Examples: Safety standards, industrial negligence, whistleblowers, pollution, health consequences, worker conditions, discrimination, fair trade, violations, accounting scandals, etc. You can do one post, a post every day, post pictures, links... any way you want to express yourself. I will try to highlight the efforts at the different blogs so we get a sense of what others are doing. Please email or leave a comment here if you wish to participate or want more information! losethenoose@yahoo.com

A list of participants will be posted at Lose The Noose and will remain up- of a list of links for all the blogs that will participate- you can post the link list, spread the word, participate in any way you can. You can also request graphics to display with your post.

Don't know nothing 'bout evil doers? Here's a good link: The Fourteen Worst Corporate Evil Doers as reported by Global Exchange. Preview:

"On issues like war crimes, torture, toxic dumping and stifling freedom of speech, corporations like Coca Cola, Chevron and Philip Morris are way out ahead of the rest."

On Chevron:
"The petrochemical company Chevron is guilty of some of the worst environmental and human rights abuses in the world. From 1964 to 1992, Texaco (which transferred operations to Chevron after being bought out in 2001) unleashed a toxic "Rainforest Chernobyl" in Ecuador by leaving over 600 unlined oil pits in pristine northern Amazon rainforest and dumping 18 billion gallons of toxic production water into rivers used for bathing water. Local communities have suffered severe health effects, including cancer, skin lesions, birth defects, and spontaneous abortions."

So please consider joining us in Corporation Appreciation Week, next week! If you are stuck for a post idea, consider posting on your favorite cuddly corpocratic criminal... if you are feeling rowdy, consider posting on your favorite whistleblower or safety standard violators...

*Just be cool and down with the theme,do what you can, spread the word, encourage your blogger friends to take this on.
*Use your blog to highlight corporate wrongdoings and crimes against the public,here and globally
*Notify us at losethenoose@yahoo.com of your participation so Monday can have a link list of the week's participants to help us read each other's perspectives..
*Develop posts and themes around corporate crime, scandal, polluters, killers, union murderers, child-poisoning, birth defects, economy and culture destruction, etc.
*highlight with YOUR means of expression: graphics, poetry, contests, letter writing, pictures, stories of victims, sharing your own experiences, describing courageous whistleblowers and public advocates, talking about laws that address this, etc.
*Talk about Politicians and THEIR RECORDS! Pick one and look at their contributors! PICK ONE slimeball and shine the light of scrutiny!
* Read the work of other bloggers, participate in the dialogue, talk about cohesion
*Talk about relatively decent companies versus the worst offenders
*Highlight crimes against the public, and what is being done NOW.

E Mail if you want to discuss paticipating: losethenoose@yahoo.com or leave a comment.


Anonymous said...

Great idea! I am going to call up the 3B!, Chuckles, Blue Girl and a few others. We can totally talk trash about American corporations and not just the easy targets like Coke, Dupont and Wal-Mart!

Anonymous said...
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Rory Shock said...

Bring 'em on ... smoke 'em out ... hunt 'em down ... launch precision targeted shocking and awesome words with Rummy's new "warfighting" tool, the blog ...

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know Adorable's link? She doesn't have it on her profile... I think I was there, but...well,it all gets so confusing.

Neil Shakespeare said...

Cheney won? I thought he was dead. Didn't somebody shoot him in the face or something?...

michael the tubthumper said...

want to know more...


Anonymous said...

Neil. I think somebody sent him on a missile ride with baby Jesus...

Drew Dallons said...

Good idea, Lily. I just watched The Corporation on Sundance a few months ago and it was pretty eye-opening. Check it out if you haven't seen it.

Anonymous said...

Cheney won, huh? Well, I'll be. From a recording device planted in the Oval Office:

Cheney, "Yes we'll have two carriers stationed at strategic points around Iran and we'll use Georgia as a permanent staging position along with . .. "

Bush: "Umm Dick, what's going on?"

Cheney: "Someone give the brat back his gameboy and let's get the Joint Chiefs in here."

Bush: "Umm Dick, if there's something happening, should I know about it?"

Cheney: "Need to know only, Georgie. Don't you have something else to do?"

Bush: "Well, you're in my chair."

Cheney: "Anyone got that stupid gameboy. Good, give it to him. Now, no more interruptions. You can shut him up with a shotgun if he becomes a bother. It probably won't kill him."

Lily said...

CV has a post at unSpunblog today on research testing on children with AIDS- I will link it for Corporation Appreciation Week but in the meantime, it's at his blog and the article he references can be found here.

Anonymous said...

thanks, Lily.

Lew Scannon said...

Rented 'The Corporation' a couple of months ago. That's why I didn't sing LOC Happy Birtheday the other night. Didn't want to get sued.

Lew Scannon said...

Which Cheney could have certainly used the other weekend while he was hunting.

Drew Dallons said...

Good point, Lew. Thank God traditions like the Birthday Song are not above the far reaching tentacles of corporate ownership.

However, I do believe that if you keep your rendition under 30 seconds, copywrite laws do are not enforceable.

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