
Since I Missed The Anti-Theocracy Blogswarm, It's The Least I Could Do

Fred linked to this over at his place, so I thought I'd put one up, too, only over here, where no one ever goes any more (Thanks Lily, wherever you are, for not closing this down!)
I took this picture last fall, for reasons I don't quite remember, then never did much with it (I think it's my avatar at The Peace Train, but since I'm never there, no one sees it. I'm holding my beloved SPOODGE BUCKET, a cheap japanese electir guitar from the sixties that I smashed onstage onetime when I was in a band, only to find out it was more sturdy than I thought. So now I keep it around for the kids to strum until I can get them their own guitar. I'm also pointing to my Daffy Duck "You're Despicable!" pinback button, which I have had for twenty years now and one time refused twenty dollars for from some drunk at a party. AAAh, memories.
Then I took said photo and dinked around with it in my illustration program. Solarize.


sumo said...

Hi Lew...nice pic...you look like a cutie to me. Hey...I have a pin that says "La De Fucking Da"...my favorite...except maybe for the one that has a picture of Dubbie and it says..."Fuck Bush"...I'm such a rebel!

Don't know what may have happened with Lily...miss her wit and sting...but perhaps she got burned out on blogging. so long as you don't...would miss you terribly. You were missing a few days.

Frederick said...

Maybe you me and Agi should create a virtual blogger band...ftp tracks back and forth and so on!

DivaJood said...

You can run, but you can't hide, is all I'm saying.

Lily said...

Hey Lew. I'm sorry I haven't been around (alot going on, you know, in my life, plus constantly getting involved in too many things)

I got burnt out on alot of the arguing, to be honest, and the attacks. I don't mean from you, I mean from others. I realize that I brought alot of it onto myself and others around me by trying as hard as possible to get diverse participation in the different places I've blogged at. But it can be tiresome and zap the fun right out of this process. And that's what it did for me- it turned it into something I started to dread! (another freakin fight about school prayer, here we go...that kind of fatigue!)

Back when it was us, and a few friends, it was enjoyable and I learned alot from the posts. I guess I should have realized that I just don't have it in me to be as tolerant as I want to be. I just don't have the patience, and in the end...an asshole is an asshole no matter what side they are on. No amount of debate will change an asshole.

So just wanted to say that I miss you and will check in- and sorry I stopped posting on blogger.

Fran / Blue Gal said...

thanks for the blog against theocracy mention and the blogroll link. we may be doing another swarm over Independence Day so you can post another guitar picture of yourself around August 4. Works for me.

Anonymous said...

More guitar pics!

Anonymous said...


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