
Demand,Rand,and Greenspan's Land

No trolling for innuendo today. No Lucky Charms. The Noose aims to ‘keep it real’.
In previous posts, we discussed welfare and libertarianism- in necessarily limited ways given the forum. (First, as reduced bureaucracy pertains to a corresponding reliance on religion-based service sectors… and second, how the scope of government relates to patriarchy and the autonomy of women) This prompted some of you to ask about “objectivism” off-blog, and for more clarity about the comments regarding the gold standard, libertarianism, the global economy, and the ‘dollar’…all good discussions. TOO good for us, perhaps.

But lest you think we are incapable of lofty,pertinent discussion- I throw this out as an open thread because it seems that we should intellectually acknowledge the convoluted legacy of our favorite Feddy.
In the form of sexual innuendo!!! (Feel free to actually discuss the impact of the Bush tax plan, inflation, housing bubbles, euros, monarchy, trade deficit, the plummeting dollar, Rand, Objectivism, the gold standard, and Hong Kong!! ) Some tributes:“He can devalue my dollar anytime.”... "I’d like HIS alluvial deposits!”... “Greenspan can OBJECTIFY me!”


Shelly said...

Screw my Pell Grant baby..Screw it hard!!!

Anonymous said...

Who knew Ayn and Span were in the same circle jerk?

Anonymous said...

Ayn Span PornMuzik

Drew Dallons said...

Kids say the wierdest things.

Anonymous said...

"Why the gold standard? Its divisible, durable, portable... and accepted by trafficked prostitutes from any nation."

Anonymous said...

This one's for Lew:
"Because unprotected market volatility leads to an itchy bourse."

"He let Morgan Stanley get to third base with IPE."

"The Feds are just sowing some unbacked oats."

"Rand- not your daughter's libertarianism!"

Gotta love this budget...

Anonymous said...

The Grand Lady of Libertarianism, the Madame of the Objectivist Measure would look at crony capitalism not as historic-level corruption or even as enormous payola. She'd instead comment that when it comes to the corporate "haves" against the working class "haven'ts" Size does matter, oh yes, size matters a lot.

Anonymous said...

Gotta love this budget...

I love a budget with no projected deficit impact (a component of previous budgets) and no assessment of how much "off-budget" appropriations there will be (another component of past budgets).

"Mr. Greenspan, sir. My dog ate my budget."

enigma4ever said...

Budget? Oh, honey when the Feds are Treating ALL of us like 3rd rate hookers that aren't worth the sheets or the tequila- SCREWED has taken on a WHOLE new meaning...because we all are now officially whored out to the Pentagon....( as my son calls it"SPENTAGON")....I will try to think warm thoughts about the budget as I watch old people barter for pills and eat catfood. Marie Antoinette would have atleast served Cake.

Anonymous said...

They pimp us on a regular basis, enough said.

Neil Shakespeare said...

"Hey, NASA Chicks! I got yer rocket science, baby! I got yer rocket science right here!"

Neil Shakespeare said...

Oh shit. Does it have to be about Greenspan? OK. "Alan, I'm tired of the quarter-point. I want your WHOLE point, Alan! Gimme your WHOLE POINT!! YEAH BABY!!!!"

Anonymous said...

NO! It doesn't have to be about Greenspan. I am actually responding to an email stating that I cannot write a serious post without it becoming a joke. Or perverted. That I can even sexualize the Federal Reserve. Damn straight I can sexualize the Fed! Watch, bitch.

Lets take a step back here. Raise your hand if you REALLY think that you are going to get your news this way. Raise your hand if you pass over alternet, znet, truthout, WaPo, NYT, Mother Jones.. WHATEVER and head straight HERE for FACTS... Didn't think so.

Wadena said...

You mean......I'm the only one who has this as my home page?

enigma4ever said...

I come here more regularly than Truthout...and that is high praise...And trying to make Greenspan "Sexy"...OMG and that means we have to picture him and Andrea Mitchell...HELP...

there is not enough maalox....

Anonymous said...

"Greenspan sure raises MY interest rate."

Anonymous said...

sorry, euroman, but your syntax looks too much like all the male enhancement emails that make through my spam filter. is there a code that can help a poor country gal out?

Anonymous said...

I love this guy! Don't discourage him.

Although I cannot speak for him, he MIGHT mean: Old Europe and the US have a long, sordid history of manipulating currency in ways that have been economically disastrous (Depression)The current US regime monochromatically favors the inflation index of the Commodity Research Bureau and have made the manipulation of the dollar a central strategy for fiscal policy, and they view fed function as 'dollar control' in the context of this index.All policy thereby also aimed at contriving the potency of the dollar,a strategy that will ultimately lead to our FURTHER economic demise,throw in unprecedented deficit... Before the Iraq 'liberation', the two oil markets in London and New York were able to foresee the difficulties with Saddam's decision to switch to euro-based trade versus the dollar. And of course we have the Iranian Bourse, which come spring will mean that the the oil in Iraq will be sold in us dollars, Iranian in Euros. To whom, you might be wise to ask!!

Blair is Bush's bitch because the US bought out their exchange, but of course we have the Saudi's. The Iranian s will deal with Russia and Asia, Japan will compete with us and eventually win as our trade imbalance grows and our economy collapses, and a fun time will be had by all come five years. Its all about the acceleration of the Peak Oil timetable, having a puppet oil state in the Middle East to protect our supply, and taking advantage of the growing pains of the EU and the maraudings of OPEC.

European Superman has made some good points about the difficulties between the EU and Poland, and of course the 'torture by proxy' question.

Anonymous said...

jeez sorry I asked. He must be a genius! But not to put too fine a point on it, what CODE did you use to come with all that & the kitchen sink? cuz I missed it somewhere "sustentation" and "slow tax".

Anonymous said...

The Da Vinci code?

"Aynal". Thats my final contribution.

So much ANONYMITY LATELY! Pisses me off.

Anonymous said...

The “boys’ achievement gap” in education–you know the one where too many girls are on the honor roll?- is now a bona fide phenomenon, and the cure for it appears to not make everyone act and behave like girls.” Boys should automatically reject anything stinking of Girl. Such as scholarship. A Colorado curriculum director wants to introduce comic books (whups, I mean “graphic novels”) because her boys chafe at “girl books.” “Girl books,” apparently, are the ones with words in them.

Girls. Is there any crisis they haven’t caused? Abortion, poverty, teen sex, disease, feminism, prostitution, porn, pedophilia, and the mutha of’em all, sexy cheerleading–you name it; some castrating, conniving bitch of a loose-moraled slut is at the bottom of it.

The Solution: single-sex classrooms. Let the girls read books, and let the boys jab each others’ eyes out with pointed sticks. It’s only natural.

This leads in time to girls graduating college with no men around to marry them which is the final ruin brought on by feminism - spinsterhood.

Anonymous said...

Congress loves porking barrels...

Anonymous said...

Wait, I have graphic novels. And the Steelers didn't have cheerleaders! Who's laughing now, Earl?

Anonymous said...

Lily, you have graphic novels? But the way you write tells me you must also have some novels with words in them. Well NFL cheerleaders are OT, but I fell in love in cheerleaders from NSC as a lad. I have a son who had no problems in school, but some of his friends had trouble getting the handle on reading. That would have scared me, but not half as much as if the school had said, don't worry, here's a reading books now with pictures.
I assume you heard about the girl whose a wrestling champ who beat all the boys. Title 9 if you can keep it, means girls can do what they want to in sports, and not JUST be cheerleaders. Hell, W was a cheerleader and look how he turned out.

Anonymous said...

I never understood the fascination with jumping around while OTHERS play a sport. I liked field hockey, and Rangers hockey was really the only sport I could get remotely interested in other than golf and tennis. I wasn't jealous of the cheerleaders, I just didn't understand the time commitment, some girls were very talented and they should have their own gig, not be on the sidelines. Their own events, with people coming to see them. I guess its not the cheerleading, its the concept of cheerleading.

I DO have real books (everywhere, dammit) but I do have some comic books, Dazzler etc. and as far as graphic novels, I'm selective but NEVER think they should replace books! Damned weird to read them backwards.

Anonymous said...

I never understood the fascination with jumping around while OTHERS play a sport.

I think that it has to do with validation (or making other's feel inadequate)...something like that.

Anonymous said...

Oh Span Man....

Oh, Al Baby.....SPAN ME!!!

Span me, span me, span me....

Harder.....span me harder....span me faster....harder...harder...faster....faster

Yes! Yes!! Yesssss!!!

Anonymous said...

Link to the graphic I told you about, Lew.

Anonymous said...


You cause "irrational exuberance" in my pants.

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