

(Ok, I realize the picture is not appropriate for this, but sometimes it helps to interject some levity to balance one's incredulous pissedivity) File all this under "bullshit". Indeed, it is the largest file here at Noose.
Comrade Mike at "Born At The Crest of The Empire" has already posted on this, so it seems appropriate (or lazy) to link there and defer to him on the matter of OPEC's post-speech posturing. Get it.


Anonymous said...

So, what are you saying? That State of the Union thing was just rhetoric? So Saddam Hussein DIDN’T seek significant quantities of uranium from Africa either? Man, when that pearly tongue of his starts speechifying…I just buy it hook line and WMD.

Kathleen Callon said...

This pic makes me wonder just how much money the Saudi Royal family has raked in with Saddam out of the picture.

enigma4ever said...

Poor Dude...glad that you set him straight Lilly...
and Thank you for putting the BrokeBack Ranch picture up, I just love watching him hold hands...what a Dude moment...sigh....

Anonymous said...

Hey, I love public displays of corruption...

AJ said...

I don't mean to be sacrilegious, but if I had a friend that lent me a few million dollars for my second or third attempt at business, and
gave me a lucrative highly coveted off-shore drilling contract-
I'd hold hands with him too*.....

*which reminds me of a joke, but I dont' want to offend Lily or Kath

enigma4ever said...

Well, fine I will finish the joke for you...George wasn't trying to hold his "hand"...ahem...

Anonymous said...

Offend Lily???? Thats hilarious. Have you seen her comments around? She's got issues.

AJ said...

I see, anonymous, you wisely chose to omit your name. Otherwise Lily might be hunting you down and do some
unmentionable things to your sexual parts.


Anonymous said...

Beach Boys remix, must see video

Lew Scannon said...

That picture reminds me of a piece by America's Best Christian (no, not Rex Kramer)Betty Bowers at www.bettybowers.com entitled "Is Bush a Girly Man?"
I think Bush gave that long speech because he likes the sound of his own voice and even he didn't think people would take him seriously and hold him to what he said. He is, after all, a Republican.

Lily said...

Who are you people and what are you doing in my house? Put that down. PUT THAT DOWN!

Who drank my Guiness?

Seriously, I think I overdosed on the news- I actually curled up in my den and watched non-news television. "The Office" made me decide to go on the balcony in my bedroom, which is on a cliff so I can touch trees- very cool..until I froze my ass off in my pajamas and begrudgingly came to my Situation Room to read, well, news.

I'm Lily, and I'm a newsaholic.

Anonymous said...

Wait- is that the Stonehenge from "Spinal Tap", AJ???

Anonymous said...

I think it is totally unfair the President should be so constricted by the words that he says. He needs flexibility to do his job and every time we try to hold him to the things he has said we cut down on the very flexibility he needs to do his job. Like you know when he said he would fire anyone who was associated with outing Valerie Plame. Now if we actually wanted to hold him accountable for those words then he would have to get rid of Karl Rove. Now without Karl the President just would not be able to snowball us as well as he does further undercutting his performance. You and I both realize that if anything undercut this President's performance in any way this country would be an utter basket case. So moderate yourself a little and give this man some room to lie to us.

AJ said...

Yea Richm,give him more rope!And I thought I was the only one that talked to Betty, isnt' she a hoot?!

Ok, OK, Lily, I put it down, and helped clean it up. Can I go home now?

Neil Shakespeare said...

So the bullshit file's gettin' pretty big, huh, Lil? Amazing how that stuff piles up...

rev. billy bob gisher ©2008 said...

one of them is dead right?

Drew Dallons said...

Really, though. Did we expect anything different from this guy?

Anonymous said...

Dammit Drew, are you still chasing dogma?

I think European Superman summed it up quite adequately.

Anonymous said...

Lily, not on topic but... ask and ye shall receive. :-)

I Love My President Because... - A Patriotic Contest

Anonymous said...

Apparently what happens in Crawford, does not stay in Crawford!

Anonymous said...

Aha, but what happens in The Noose stays in The Noose. Um..what exactly happens here?

Drew Dallons said...

Lily - Nah..gave that up years ago. It sounds cool though.

Anonymous said...

Better than Chasing Dogshit, I suppose.

There's enuffa that going around.

Anonymous said...

I'm Lily, and I'm a newsaholic.

"Hi Lily!"

Yukkione said...

He must defer to his masters.

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