
Two More Bloody Corpses At Your Feet

Expect a lot of self-righteous indignation from the self-righteous right wingers following the news that the two missing soldiers were tortured before their deaths. We can only expect to see more troops captured and tortured in the future, now that the Bush administration has opened that pandora's box.
Even if there was a good reason to invade Iraq (which there wasn't, only bogus lies about WMD. Meanwhile, North Korea is getting ready to test a missile that can reach the US. Way to Go!), the blood of these two soldiers would still be on the hands of the US government that implemented torture as a policy. But especially on the hands of the current administration that issued a signing statement to a law passed by Congress specifically banning the use of torture by the US that said we weren't going to obey this law. But there was no good reason to go to war with Iraq, the whole WMD, ties to al Qaeda and links to 9/11 (when are we going to start fighting terrorists?)been proven a falsehood to everyone but the most thickheaded kool-aid drinkingest of Republicans feeding their Islamoparanoia at the corporate propaganda wells.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not condoning the actions of whoever the US pins these murders (murder? In a time of war? Oh yeah, that's right, they murder, we liberate with extreme prejudice!) on, al Qaeda or the insurgency, but it makes you a hypocrite if you support the Bush administration and their use of torture and find yourself outraged by this. Granted, they'd probably have been tortured anyway, but two wrongs don't make a right no matter what kind of fuzzy math you use. (Although I can already hear the spurious arguments someone might use to weasel their way out of this:" B-b-but they learned torture from Saddam!") And it's hard to take the high road when you're standing in a bloody gutter.
The bottom line is, if you support the Bush administration, you support the use of torture. And if you support the use of torture, there's two more bloody corpses at your feet.


Anonymous said...

Tragic, tragic, tragic. If the stories coming out of the Pentagon are true it does the insurgency no favors. Not that I'm in favor of a well-armed, violent, and effective insurgency (which is what they are). But I'm constantly surprised that they engange in a level of violence that will guarantee that they are never taken seriously as freedom-fighters much less soldiers. This will allow the US to continually brand them as thuggish, unhinged, murderers.

Kathy said...

And it's hard to take the high road when you're standing in a bloody gutter.

It's also part of the reason violence and terrorism continues to multiply. It sounds so cliche, but violence begets violence.

Yukkione said...

we reap what we sow. How long would this madness continue if one of the Bush twins had been tortured and beheaded? actually if that happened things would just get worse. Bush, though he trys to paint the likes of Bin Laden as a monster, is really no different. Bush and Bin_Laden are both revenge killers. Two sides of the same murderous coin. Both the spoiled sons of money and power commited to a course of bloodshed and revenge. The deaths of these two boys is just a blip on the radar to those calling the shots.

Anonymous said...

'We reap what we sow' sums it up perfectly. The right wing blogs have tried to justify the cold blooded murder of 24 innocent civilians recently by the US military, and as horrible and distasteful as these murders are, we really do reap what we sow and we have been sowing some pretty devastating seeds over this century.

Anonymous said...

Very sad situation on either side

Its hard to draw conclusions about it. I dont think this is going to stop.

Chuck said...

...Now, as then, it has come to war. Did anyone really want it?

Well, actually yes. bush did. In retrospect, that is clear; the PDB, the Downing Street memos, "yellow cake", warmongering, fearmongering, "catapulting the propaganda", "I'm a WAR PRESIDENT", "If you're not with us, you're against us", "Patriot" Act, the creation of Naziesque terms like Homeland Security, Operation T.I.P.S. and on & on...

Its ALL false nationalism!

"...Bush and Bin_Laden are both revenge killers. Two sides of the same murderous coin. Both the spoiled sons of money and power commited to a course of bloodshed and revenge..."

Absolutely correct!

...The deaths of these two boys is just a blip on the radar to those calling the shots.

Yep. And how unfortunate is that? bush is totally unchecked in his LIES and aggression.

One more horror on the books melting into the deaths of 150,000+ people so far. Apparently the WTC was attacked by Saudi Nationals, yet duh-bya publicly kisses, sucks and licks on their prince. Saddam Hussein must have fallen out of favor with the bush dynasty- so he was overthrown and innocent Iraqis were murdered.

It was (and is) invasion & occupation- plain and simple- all perpetrated by a dictator wannabe wielding enough family power to blatantly steal two U.S. presidential elections. Consider that.

Anonymous said...

When have we pre-emptively attacked a country in this manner though? These are extreme acts that are new.

Lew Scannon said...

There seems to be a consensus amongst the conspiracists that there will be another "terrorist" attack (although, it should be noted that most conspiracists place the blame for 9/11 on either dark forces within the US government, or on Zionists in the US/Israeli governments) used to justify our planned invasion of Iran, as well as justify more unconstitutional acts by the current administration. However, I feel that another "terrorist" attack will likely not occur, as all our civil liberties suspended since 9/11 were purported to make us all safer from such sort of thing, another attack will surely prove that opinion wrong. What we will see is more "terrorists" cells being arrested, such as the one in Miami, where informants infiltrate a group to incite them to commit attacks they can be arrested for plotting to commit.

No Blood for Hubris said...

The pro-torture, pro-atrocity crowd is up in full shriek. Makes me think bad thoughts, it does. Yup.

Diane S. said...

Not at all to diminish the tragedy of the death of those soldiers, the story pales in comparison to what's happening to the Iraqi people on the ground.

Check out the latest video on Get in Their Face. And while you're there, check out the vid on The History of Oil

Both are long videos, but well worth the time invested.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Diane.I'll check it out,.

Anonymous said...

Chilling. Understatement.

michael the tubthumper said...

why is it all telephone companies are useless incompetent bastards?


Anonymous said...

I think part of the regulation involves inefficiency and terrible customer service.

Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

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