Thank You Bastards!
(Cross Posted at unbrainwashed)
You! Yes, you! You flag waving beer swilling brain damaged chemically imbalanced paranoid idiot! You know I'm talking about you, you bastard. The idiot who voted for Bush, twice. Those who insist, still, that Saddam had WMD. The seriously deluded fuckhead who thinks we're there to bring freedom to the Iraqi people. The misguided moron who thinks this war is "going to make America strong." You know who I'm talking about, if your not against it, then you are for it, you bastard.
And what are you for? Beyond the civil war? Beyond the establishment of a Islamic state in the place of a secular one? Beyond the senseless slaughter of innocent civilians? Beyond the lies of a corrupt and devious administration? Let me tell you what you're for.
OPEC. That's right, supporting this war means you're siding with OPEC, the bastards who are screwing us at the gas pump RIGHT NOW!!! So if you support the war, that means you're perfectly happy with the continuation of rising gas prices, because when it comes down to it, this war has always ben and will always be about the oil. Not some self-deluded notion of "keeping America free", because the war will ensure that we will always be paying high prices for our oil.
Greg Palast has uncovered a 323 page plan for Iraq's oil secretly (does the Bush team do any thing in the open? Of course not, then we'd know what they were up to)drawn up by the State Department directing Iraqis to maintain a state oil company that will"enhance it's relationship with OPEC." What this means is that oil in Iraq will not be pumped freely from the ground and shipped to refineries then on to the American people at rate and quantities enough to allieve our current gas pains. What it means is that the oil will be pumped at OPEC rates, which are designed to keep oil prices high.
So where's the freedom maintenance? How does the American taxpayer benefit from all this? They don't! You idiot, if you think Bush is about keeping Americans secure then perhaps you never saw the video of Bush receiving a warning of catstrophe in New Orleans, pre-Katrina.
Bush and the Rethuglicans just handed out a permanent tax cut that affects the top end of the pay scale more than it does the rest of us. Like the guys (and gals) at Halliburton and Big Oil. You don't think their children are over in Iraq fighting, do you? So what has he given the families whose members are over there sacrificing life and limb? A big fat gas hose up the ol' cornhole, that's what.
Oil company profits were at $34 billion in 2002. Last year, they posted a whopping $113 billion dollar profit. Which is good news if you own oil stock, bad news if you have to drive anywhere. And who can we thank for it? You, you fucking idiot. You delusional dorks who think the war in Iraq is a good idea. You imbecilic idiots who think we're there to bring democracy to a bunch of people who seem hell bent on rejecting it in favor of a theocracy. And just think, if that's at all possible for you, how much more they will profit when the oil supplies are interupted after Operation Iranian Liberation.
Some of you will just shrug your shoulders and say"Well, that's capitalism," and I say capitalism is nothing more than a euphemism for criminal activity. Just don't bitch to me about how high gas prices are, I never supported the war and I never voted for Bush. So thank you, you Bush lovin' bastards.
thank you lew ... I share your outrage ... and thank you Greg for your incredible work that has added authority to our outrage!
Oh well here goes. I say that because anything that is served to you on a plate, quickly ends up on the floor...but here goes.
"You know I'm talking about you, you bastard".
Of course I do, after all, I am a "chemically imbalanced paranoid idiot!". The paranoia keeps getting me up in the morning so I can aford the privilage of recieving abuse from such "men" as you.
"The idiot who voted for Bush, twice. "
Me again.
"You know who I'm talking about, if your not against it, then you are for it, you bastard".
"ok I'm a bastard". I support it daily in fact, hows your support of the opposition going, do you manage to do much of that, or is "tearing" up on this blog your only outlet. I would like to think that you are an active participant( like Lily) of the anti-war movement, but on good sources I think otherwise. Perhaps its the multiple jobs you need to work in order to survive in this failing economy.
"supporting this war means you're siding with OPEC, the bastards who are screwing us at the gas pump RIGHT NOW!!!"
Although I am conservative, I will not respond to a comment so prominently laced with anti-Islam setiment.
"What this means is that oil in Iraq will not be pumped freely from the ground and shipped to refineries then on to the American people at rate and quantities enough to allieve our current gas pains."
Would it make more sense to you if the USA got "SWEET" deals on Iraqie oil? We invaded without there request, there base product should not be disrupted as you are facistly suggesting.
"How does the American taxpayer benefit from all this?"
This is not a soda order, the american tax payers are not the consumers on this one, they are the support force. They should expect to gain nothing other then a safe place to live.
"You delusional dorks who think the war in Iraq is a good idea. You imbecilic idiots who think we're there to bring democracy to a bunch of people who seem hell bent on rejecting it in favor of a theocracy."
You must understand that those of us who support this war have no interest in giving iraq a democracy. We do it because we are able to recognize a population who seems unhappy with us, and is intent on hurting us. Instead of ignoring them, we fight them, henceforth keeping them withing our watch. It is a simple plan, much too simple for the conspiracy buff to understand.
"I say capitalism is nothing more than a euphemism for criminal activity."
Of course you do, how horrible the free market is, how horrible.
" never supported the war and I never voted for Bush. "
But your a republican????
lew on sunday as i was flipping channels i saw some general type being interviewed. i wasn't paying attention but i could have SWORN he said something about how safe iraq was now (or at least getting that way) and how policemen were out in the open in WHITE SHIRTS and ties, etc etc
then yesterday in the paper i read about MORE policemen in iraq being blown to smitherines (smithereenes???)
aw, i'm with YOU not the spook
Oh, I never realized OPEC was a Islamic organization. Must be news to Hugo Chavez.
You're right, we invaded them with out their request,I highly doubt any one would say come into our country, kill our children and bomb our cities. However their base producted has been disrupted by the war, and I'm almost certain that Iraqis see not dime one of the profits. Most urban areas are still with out constant water and electricity, something they had before the invasion. The US Citizen is paying twice for this war; first we are obligated to pay the costs (of a war that was supposed to pay for itself)of the debts incurred to fight it, now we have to pay more money because the disruption of oil has casued the price of oil to skyrocket. Iraq posed no threat to us. The were no WMD, no ties to alQaeda, no links to 9/11. They only reason they are fighting us still is because they are resisting an occupation force, an internationally recognized right, that invaded there country illegally to gain control of their oil. If the population of Iraq is intent on hurting us and causing us harm (By us, I mean Americans sitting on their ass here at home, not thugs that are slaughtering their people), it is because of our support of Israel as it violates UN Resolution after resolution and slaughters Palestinian children.Obviously you haven't been listening to your president lately as the reasons we are staying in this quagmire are because we are "bringing them democracy".OPEC is not part of a "free market", a free market is based on competition, not collusion. So, as i always say, if the jackboot fits.....
Well I think for starters, we don't really know what people do in their personal lives as I have stated. Yes, many people do work multiple jobs and it is very difficult to be active in much of anything that way. We ALL would be better served by less finger wagging .
Really, all sides have reason to be angry at Bush and what he has done. Whether you swill beer or smoke dope, are a republican or otherwise, it is becoming apparent to many people that this administration is not doing right by us or the world. Take Vets for example- look at what has happened to their health care, look at how enlisted men and women are treated? Look at the pressure they are under, the things they are exposed to. The Vets I know are outraged- but not at other Vets but at the people that added them to the list of people screwed despite their sacrifices. We have to look at policies, less at people, and how those policies hurt or help the situation.
What troubles me about both sides is that we are becoming obsessed with division, obsessed with the past and a desire to see our views vindicated. Is it time to say we are there, we elected him, what do we do now to work toward stability and independence in Iraq, get America back on its feet, address the trade imbalance, the deficit, the bleeding of jobs...etc.
When people in a society are stressed they turn toward one another while the real problems continue in the background. My brother drinks beer and voted for Bush, and truth to be told he's a bit of an asshole as well. Screaming at him won't help. We have to take the outrage and direct it to the proper channels, to the right people. What about the people that don't vote at all? That do nothing for their country?
I'm not defending Spooky here- I don't know Spooky (or maybe I do?) but I give him credit for being upfront, I can understand the desire to see us safer. Where we disagree is not the desire to address terrorism but how and whether or not Iraq is a misguided plan.
oh the headlines THIS morning
17 MORE police officers in iraq DEAD
It all fits so well together yet some Bush cultists just dont get it. I loved your profanity laced tirade Lew. Made me feel good. Goddamn fucking good. From the real reason for war:
To the cherry picking of info:
To the "Good guys" who have bombs. This could show how we keep the oil production down and the infighting going:
I just don't see how people of apparently normal intellect can still think there are noble reasons for this war.
yes I'm waving a flag, and I'm drunker than a skunk, I'm definitely chemically unbalanced, and most certainly a bastard. as for paranoid,are you trying to imply something about me? I know you're talking about me. probably staring at me right this minute, from somewhere inside my drain pipes, which by the way is the title of the new film I'm starring in.
the taint of tom cruise.
There is only one question, with only one answer:
Are you Anti-War, or Pro Terrorist?
I think pay per view should have a showdown: pot heads versus Bud-guzzlers.
You're welcome. Now run along, we're busy, and children should be seen not heard.
At least someone had the temerity to say it.
look at how enlisted men and women are treated?
What do you mean by this Lily? I don't mean exposure to DU as it has already been covered extensivly here, I just want to know what you mean by this statement. Is it about health care? I'm confused on this one.
Typical hippie rantings.
Is it MY fault grandmothers in Palm Beach County couldn't figure out a butterfly ballot?
Is it MY fault that Saddam's goons crashed 3 planes into our national institutions on 9/11?
Is it MY fault that America is hopelessly addicted, as the President heroically warned us, to foriegn oil?
Try this for a change: stop hating your country, and come on board for the big win!
If flag-waving, beer-swilling and well-founded paranoia makes one an idiot, well, I suppose I'm the biggest idiot of all! U-S-A! U-S-A!
By treated: Yes, the DU exposure is a concern. Exposure to vaccines and difficulties with substantiating post-service conditions and the ability to link them to service.Health benefits, cuts-changes in eligibility, VA cuts, and cuts in outreach and assistance as well as medical transportation, long term facility care, and other difficulties that Vets have with accessing service.
Then there are other safety issues: documented cases where enlisted men and women were exposed to things without their knowledge and without proper screening or counseling regarding potential birth defects. This issue goes past DU and the chromosomal abnormalities that result. There are others, and it has been very difficult for Vets to prove the causes. Despite the fact that many of these substances are tested and the effects are known, as in DU.
Then there are the issues of safety gear- documented cases of faulty equipment and improper/inadequate gear, protection...improperly implemented safety procedures such as improper training on physical barriers to different forms of radiation. Lack of counseling or education on potential effects of this radiation. No accountability when contracted suppliers provide defective safety fact, many suppliers get their contracts renewed.
There are cases of improper training on handling and safety considerations, and ignored protocol regarding chemicals and exposures to biological agents, radiation, and toxic compounds. Did you ever hear about the alarms that went off so often (detecting chemicals) that the troops were eventually told to ignore them? The radiation suits with actual holes, that were re-used contaminated?
Then there's the difficulty in obtaining diability or service connected disability status for hard to prove illnesses that are also not adequately researched such as Gulf War syndrome. And I won't get into the mental health needs of Vets and their families- the stress, the psychiatric toll, the divorces, the trauma, etc. Is the support adequate? Not for the Vets I've worked with.
Then there's the ability to test vaccines and drugs on enlisted men and women without their consent (part of the military agreement, is it not?) and perhaps worse, without doing adequate baseline tests to be able to link subsequent maladies to the test scenario.
My understanding meeting with recruiters is also that the following are true: that the GI Bill requires a potential student to PAY INTO the plan.
That the plan has limitations. That there are call back and other issues that are not always understood at recruitment time. Then there's the fact that many believe they will get skills directly transferred to civilian life- yet a large number of vets are unemployed, homeless, or have trouble applying the skills to civilian vocational settings. And there are not enough resources to help with that transition.
Now I could go on much further, but I would like to give you an opportunity to clarify those, as to whether or not you agree. In the interests of space I also did not cite my sources for all of these assertions but I certainly could. For all.
My point is that we first of all should be very sparing in our use of lives. I am not saying that NO conflicts might require a military response. But this particular war in the view of most Americans, given what we now know- does not qualify. We OWE IT TO THESE MEN AND WOMEN in honoring their commitment to serve this country to be responsible when we use their lives for an objective. THIS is what I mean when I say "doing right" by our troops.
Thank you for not being hostile, I will respond likely.
The GI Bill you are refering to is the active duty GI Bill. It is not the same one soliders who enlist into the National Guard or other Reserve components recieve. The active duty GI Bill requires that soliders pay $1,200.00 into it, before being eligible. It is actually a good investment if you plan on ever attending university, but if you don't, i would advise against it. The soldiers who enlist into the National Guard or any other reserve component recieve 297.00 a month from the GI bill as long as enrolled in school full time. These soldiers pay nothing into the GI Bill. It's a good incentive if you plan on attending university as the money goes right to your pocket. With all the incentives(and I won't waste your space unless asked) a full time college student( in the National Guard) can recieve 100% free tuition and as much as $1,300.00 a month(after-tax) in said students pockets. They can deploy like any other member of the Military, and the last three years has shown this.
On the call back issue, everyone who chooses to enlist in the military is olbiged to service for a period of eight years. Even if the solider will only serve two years on duty status, they will still be in the Inactive Ready Reserve for six more. This IRR status is sort of like break glass in case of energency, and since 9/11 the glass has been broken, but not recently.
I disagree with you that a larger number of people who have served(vets) are homless ETC..then those that are not. Many job skills aquired in the military are easily transfered into the civilian sector, then again many are not. The miltary is not a social works program to give new recruits job skills, it is a tool to maintain our international identity as a world power. I am not sure that the military would be the only factor in ones eventual homelessness.
I can't speak intelligently on all the topics you have raised, but the ones which I am qualified to address have been covered.
The Military is an excellent option for some, but not for all. Most are not qualified for service. This may be because of physical defects, or the inability to pass the academic entrance exam. Many more are disqualified for legal issues. Many jokes have been told in regards to our entrance exam, why does someone have to be smart to pull a trigger...someone does not have to be smart to pull a trigger, but to advance, and to eventually lead men and women into potentially dangerous scenarios in which they may have to pull a trigger does require a certain level of apptitude.
I have answered the questions that I am qualified to answer.
May I ask why we are calling you Spook though?
I took the ASVAB and I didn't think it was a joke- there was a code part that gave me a headache, sure. I took it for my own reasons. It seemed that I was eligible for the particular path that was of interest to me- but it also seemed that people scoring lower would have far fewer options. I just happen to be a good (lucky?)test taker so my opportunities have often exceeded what I probably deserved. I did not think I could kill a person. It was that simple.
I was the only female with dozens of guys, and many of them were being pushed to 'straighten their lives out' and learn discipline. I guess I don't see how structure and 24/7 external discipline teaches internal discipline.
I get this sense that you want to judge me, that there is something about what we write here that bothers you. I come from a family with some career military men, and my intentions are not to disrespect the troops.
I do appreciate your answers- certainly you are under no obligation to participate in these discussions but it is helpful if you do when we can both be polite about it.
Why is it that when ever I come over here, the comments go way off topic? You can't blame the soliders for the problems in Iraq, they're only doing a job. It's their boss whose all wrong. My Uncle Earl (who lost half his leg in 'Nam)says we won't this one either because like in 'Nam, we're fighting an idea. Terrorism is the idea that political policy can be changed through violent extremism, which is the same thing the US is trying to do, change people's ideas through violent extremism. Neither side is winning, and a whole lot of people who just want to live their lives are dying because of it.
Now, back to the original topic, I think that if these people in the White House talk an awful lot about free markets, maybe we ought screw OPEC and just pump as much oil out of Iraq as we can and open up the oil markets to free enterprise. Kind of like a Wal-Mart for oil, if you know what I mean. Ifm we can sell it cheaper, than all them OPEC people would have to increase their production just to compete with us. Agreeing to produce the oil (which was the reason we invaded Iraq) at OPEC rates is a slap in the face of those who paid for this war with their tax dollars and/or their lives.
Well "Spooky," I can tell you there are some very unintelligent individuals who have managed to get rather far up the career ladder and lead troops. Lily brings up many of the slights we in the military have born, and I thank her for paying attention.
Every once in the while the discussion on Iraq wanders back to the whole, "the mistakes are in the past, we need to seek a way forward," jive. There is no way forward. The Kurds will break away when this civil war spills over, igniting their independence movement in Turkey (possibly reigniting tension in Cyprus).
The Sunni will become more emboldened as we try to reign in Iran. The terrorists we made a home for when we invaded will provoke the Shia. Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, China, North and South Korea. The whole shit house will go up in flames. We cannot hope to contain the situation. We can only hope the world is not consumed.
How’s that for pessimisms
Its funny that you brought up the ASVAB because it is without question the most significant factor in "wanna-be" soldiers being disqualifed. Many folks in my profession blame the teachers and the teachers union(s), as they are the frontline folks who could potentially change such factors, but I know there are of course many more causes to our nations students not being able to pass a test which only requires you (the taker) to have basic algerbra skills, and to be able to understand 9th grade English.
You are correct, the lower you score, the fewer the jobs that will be available to you.
Not joining the military because you think that you could not kill a person would perhaps be a valid reason( CO's), but it is important to understand that not all folks who do join kill. Most people in our forces have never fired a shot( other then weapons qualifications). For the most part those activites are left for combat troops, but it is important that no soldier have any moral reservation about killing in self defense. We all carry guns regardless of our job. My ex-wife is a very successsful military officer( a social worker{we have those too}) who is on her second tour of duty in iraq, and never has she fired a shot in anger or self defense. We are not the killers and thugs Lew paints us to be. We are people, with people we love, and with people that love us. We do not choose where to fight, we only go to said location and try to win.
As far as the dicipline thing goes, well all I can say is that it works. it takes you from your younger pot head years and turns you into a person who is capable of accomplishing much more. In fifteen years instead of being a line cook for some corporate entity, you might be in management. None of it is on paper, but if you can stay off the drugs, you will have the skills needed to succeed in this very judgemental culture.
I don't find posts here offensive, and I am not looking for the oppourtunity to blow your legs off(in blog or real world). I simply like this blog. How I came here might be a different story, but I will always visit and post comments as I find it to be one of the best and most interesting.
I do not suspect that you are trying to show a lack of respect to the troops, some of your posters and contributors, but not you.
If you ever want an even point of view from Military Recruiting, just ask. I'm spooky because I think the name fits.
Its funny that you brought up the ASVAB because it is without question the most significant factor in "wanna-be" soldiers being disqualifed. Many folks in my profession blame the teachers and the teachers union(s), as they are the frontline folks who could potentially change such factors, but I know there are of course many more causes to our nations students not being able to pass a test which only requires you (the taker) to have basic algerbra skills, and to be able to understand 9th grade English.
You are correct, the lower you score, the fewer the jobs that will be available to you.
Not joining the military because you think that you could not kill a person would perhaps be a valid reason( CO's), but it is important to understand that not all folks who do join kill. Most people in our forces have never fired a shot( other then weapons qualifications). For the most part those activites are left for combat troops, but it is important that no soldier have any moral reservation about killing in self defense. We all carry guns regardless of our job. My ex-wife is a very successsful military officer( a social worker{we have those too}) who is on her second tour of duty in iraq, and never has she fired a shot in anger or self defense. We are not the killers and thugs Lew paints us to be. We are people, with people we love, and with people that love us. We do not choose where to fight, we only go to said location and try to win.
As far as the dicipline thing goes, well all I can say is that it works. it takes you from your younger pot head years and turns you into a person who is capable of accomplishing much more. In fifteen years instead of being a line cook for some corporate entity, you might be in management. None of it is on paper, but if you can stay off the drugs, you will have the skills needed to succeed in this very judgemental culture.
I don't find posts here offensive, and I am not looking for the oppourtunity to blow your legs off(in blog or real world). I simply like this blog. How I came here might be a different story, but I will always visit and post comments as I find it to be one of the best and most interesting.
I do not suspect that you are trying to show a lack of respect to the troops, some of your posters and contributors, but not you.
If you ever want an even point of view from Military Recruiting, just ask. I'm spooky because I think the name fits.
Well- it sounds paradoxical to say that I wanted to work on peace missions. Long story that nobody wants to hear, the hows and whys of what I thought.
It is difficult to say who is to blame when students cannot pass basic competency tests. There are excellent teachers and then there are teachers I have seen that cannot do basic math themselves.The ideas of No Child Left Behind are not completely unwarranted in my view as something needs to change. The FUNDING formula is where I really differ.Teachers will say that they are underpaid and classrooms are crowded and that kids start each grade behind from the teacher before. I say that you either pass a competency or you get left back. If you are close, then perhaps advance with some summer remedial. There needs to be a measurable objective criteria where progress is concerned-on that I (shudder) agree with Bush. Even the best teacher cannot undo years of incompetence before- and what about the child whose confidence suffers?
I think that many people find agreement with some bloggers more than others. Probably as it should be.
I did not mean to get off topic, I figure people can ignore the dialogue that gets tangential by scrolling.
I am in chile right now, and people her cannot understand how a single person could have voted for that "imbecile". Seriously, that is the word they use for Bush down here. Matters not if they re from the right or from the left.
I tried to explain about the ignorant right wing nut down here, but people just don't understand how bad it is.
Hey denis, heres an idea. why don't you tell them to shut the fuck up because you come from the greatest country in known civilization, and if it wasn't for us, half the world would still be living under despotic rule like they were under pinochet up until about 20 years ago.
I know that's tough for you, since you hate your own country, but thats what i would do.
Half the world was ruled under Pinochet??? Maybe the US sent Denis there to bring presents to our favorite human rights violators. Or arms.
Rhino you just accuse people of hating their country because you are following Coulter's book too literally. Hey, did you order the DVD from Dr Dobson telling you how to attack gar rights advocates? Is it available from Netflix for ya?
Don't forget your spoon and bib.
Granted my point would be better if I typed GAY correctly.
Maybe one of the big dogs has a copy of the dvd...ask around.
Ann Coulter is a genius.
I wonder if denis knows of the lesson learned by poor Phillip Nolan?
At entertainment, yes. At knowing her market and her target, yes. I'll give you that. She laughs to the bank where she runs into Malkin and Bill where they all laugh about their millions.
Perhaps you too are in favor of eliminating the First amendment? Brilliant! Then maybe the Iraqi Democracy can send troops over to liberate us from our theocrats!
But- will the Chinese let us keep our constitution anyway? :) This might be a time limited hypothetical.
Reagaphile. Lick my boot.
Rhino, are you forgetting which side the U.S. government was on when Pinochet overthrew democracy in Chile, and which side it remained on for the next seventeen years?
When being a dick becomes an aspiration, watch out public.
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