
They Wouldn't Nuke The Stones, Would They?

I was reading this today right before Blogger went down, which naturally set off my worst paranoiac instincts. It seems reasonable, that with Bush's approval ratings low and them neocons needing a reason to invade Iran that the time is ripe for another "terrorist" attack on the US soil.
Before any reason could reach my brain, I immediately was reminded of how the US shut down Muslim websites before September 11 (actually, on September 10) and were shutting down the blogs in anticpation of another attack. And it made sense that they would wipe out Detroit, what with all the laid-off Delphi, GM and Ford workers in the area, it was one way of making sure they didn't end up in Bush's official unemployment numbers.
Then I read about the Mexican Tunnel which made me start thinking, why would Mexicans come to America looking for work, when Corporate America is shipping jobs down there? Besides, Mexico has oil. Obviously, someone was using this tunnel to smuggle a suitcase nuke into the US!
My paranoia now running rampant, I now though I must warn everyone! They're gonna nuke the Super Bowl, they're gonna nuke the Super Bowl! Then I remembered who was playing at the half time show, and was relieved. I mean, you can nuke the Steelers, you can nuke the Seahawks, you can nuke a stadium full of drunken flag waving football fans, but you'd better not nuke the Rolling Stones. Although, I'm sure not even that would kill Keith Richards.


meldonna said...

I don't know if Bush would nuke the Stones or not...don't forget, he listens to George Strait and "My Sharona" on his iPod. And besides, they did put out that naughty "Sweet Neocon" tune recently...

But you're right -- there would be a bright flash, Ford Field and Detroit would disappear, and Keith would be standing there: "Huh? Where'd everybody go? I saw a bright light, I thought we were on..."

enigma4ever said...

3am you were back and so was I ..YAY..phew..man did that suck....

about Mel's comment- nope Keith would just come out and play...( actually saw him play in Phili- the power blew and Keith was still out there playing- some one had to come peel him off the stage....sad ..oh so sad....)

Neil Shakespeare said...

Geez, now I have some "Nascar Incentive" to watch the Super Bowl. I just LOVE to watch people die. Yeah, that tunnel was definitely for the suitcase nukes. Definitely. You wouldn't go to all that trouble just for marijuana. Unless they plan to distribute marijuana at the Super Bowl. Hmmm....that could be it!

Lew Scannon said...

Haven't those Mexicans taken enough of our jobs? Now they want to put those poor hydroponic farmers out of business.I don't think you can smoke at Ford Field (unless it's a Neil Young concert)

Anonymous said...

I would love to share in the levity, but my heart's just not in it today.

I'm sure you understand.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I could do without the Stones and can't understand why they are still around. Why didn't Marianne Faithful pull a Yoko? Think of the hot balladry that would have resulted.

I am of Mexican descent, and I am a taxpaying business owner who worked and saved to live the American dream, and I resent the immigration remarks. It was ok for most of your relatives to come here escaping fucking persecution, famine (wasn't it easier to grow something other than potatoes?Versus going to a whole other continent?)and to capitalize on the increasing industry and opportunity- why do you begrudge my family the choices that many of your grandparents made? Your relatives took jobs from 'Americans'.

Rex Kramer, Danger Seeker said...

Nuke the Super Bowl? Not as far-fetched as it sounds. Some of you may recall that terrorists caused the 1989 earthquake that interrupted the Bay Area World Series.

On that note, I predict a rejectionist hurricane will strike Florida during the Daytona 500. Laugh now, aiders and comforters, laugh now.

Anonymous said...

Presumably, to address the Nascar demographic? I thought God refused to smite them via weather?

AJ said...

"now I have some "Nascar Incentive" to watch the Super Bowl.."

You guys are just too funny. Don't be bumed Lily, I doubt anything's going harm the thousands of (recently) militarily eligable in the stands and living near Detroit.
Besides, Pat Robertson hasn't put a curse on them.

AJ said...

By the way, where does Jacob get that Feb 5, 2006 is an eleven(11) in importance?

2+5=7, 2+6=8; 7+8=15 ??
Anyone know?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps I should be more up on metaphysical stuff, numerology, etc. but I just don't follow these kinds of interests. Not that there's anything wrong with them. A girl can only dabble in so much- and these things just don't make the cut.

(Lily has a short attention span, a penchance for stupid details with little practical application.)

So we lose Betty Friedan and Al Lewis. I met Al Lewis at Cordelia Street Cafe in NY years ago, after he taped a show with Richard Bey whose presence we all miss considerably.. good bye Betty. Good bye Grampa.

Anonymous said...

There are many suspicious things about the findings of the 9-11 commission, but my view is that the only reasonable conclusion we can make is that they were incompetent, and stupid, meaning our fed agencies. Not enough points to conspiracy.Just like they were totally incompetent about Katrina.But if OBL cooperated in a new "pearl Harbor" as Bush and cronies expressed a need for, why would he not use the proof of that now to get the admin put in jail? Imagine a video or tape that implicates somebody on the inside of conspiracy! He's either in a secret jail, dead, or at large, but in any case, why would nothing come to light about a collaboration? Such a revelation would bring down the gov. Why would they just play along? Doesn't make sense. More to it.
I don;t think they will hurt people-I don't think they'd go that far. They already have the situation they need to accomplish their goals.

Anonymous said...

(from one anon to another, see above a few posts back): at first I thought you had missed the sarcasm inherent in the Mexican Tunnel remarks. But then I realized you were also being sarcastic is your potato famine comment (which I laughed heartily at BTW)!! So as long as sarcasm is the theme, all is well, n'est ce pas? (oh, I crack myself up sometimes) D.K.

AJ said...

anom #1,

OMG. For starters,
the official report that building 7 fell was 'unknown'. Then they changed it.
There is a tape that Larry Silverstien gives in the hours following 911 that has him ordering officials to 'pull it'.
Do you know what that term means?
That is not stupid or incompetent reporting, it's crimminal and was purposefully omitted.
But you bring up a good point concerning OBL, and thereby fortify the belief that there is no OBL, only a boogyman, used at their convenience, giving whatever words of warning fits within their plans.
I hate to get Lily even more paranoid, but let's not talk fantasy.

Anonymous said...

I am not really a Mexican, I just enjoy fucking around. BTW.

No Blood for Hubris said...

A nice little blogger bug would be a good way to shut people up, would it not?

AJ said...


I got a response from the author of the post you linked. I emailed you the material, it's up to you if you want to post it.

Anonymous said...

prev anon (not really a mexican) ... well done! you certainly had me going. Paz, hermana.

re: blogger down last night ... what was most upsetting (and I will never forgive them for making me so paranoid), was my first thought was "OMG, is this a preview of things to come?" D.K.

AJ said...


Im sorry, I neglected to see your name below the post, assuming it was Lily's. Please forgive me this horrible error!

Anonymous said...

Which time zone does numerology work with? The time zone of wherever they predict the demise? What if it became monday in New York but still sunday in Detroit?
How do the dates get figured then?

Numerology to explain events seems a bit stretchy.

Rex Kramer, Danger Seeker said...

"By the way, where does Jacob get that Feb 5, 2006 is an eleven(11) in importance?"

02 + 05 + 2006 = 2013

2013/183= 11

So, you know, there's that.

Lew Scannon said...

Wait a minute!! The God fearing Super Patriot Rex Kramer dabbles in numerology?!?!? How can that be?? My illusions have now all been shattered and I don't think I'll ever be the same again! Next I'll find out he's into crystals as well!

Wadena said...

What about the tunnels they haven't found?

Anyhow, Americans have been canoeing cases of Canadian beer into the States for more than a century.

Some of the portages are tough, but people do harder things for recreation.

That's where the next big bang is coming from.

Anonymous said...

I myself drink all my beer in Canada, then drive home.

Are you suggesting that Mounties will approach from the north, to scorch our beloved countryside? Will they provide free medical care to all of their victims and politely apologize?

A big bang from Canada- who'd a'thunk?

Anonymous said...

I guess my question has not to do with nuking the Stones, but more with censoring the Stones; and, as well, why the Stones agreed to be censored. Five minute delays and all. Is it because Mick is Sir Mick now? A UK diplomat of sorts. Not willing to t-off the US Prez? Don't they have enough money at this point? Talk about the Politics of Greed.

And on the same point, not that I'm a Britney Spears fan, but what about NBC shutting down the concept of Britney playing a Christian conservative talk-show host, and her "food segment" being the "Crucifixins" ... that's gone ... after, of course, word leaked out.

Mick Jagger ...

ahh, well, forget it.

Lily said...

They claim they never wrote that, it was 'leaked' but untrue. Just another reason not to watch spinless sitcom entertainment.

Maybe they were afraid of a Sir Mickalot Wardrobe Malfunction??? Ewww.

TFLS said...

Speaking of The Stones (this has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with your post, I'm afraid). Some years back I had a show I’d directed open in a venue a few blocks away from where Keith and his buds (pun intended) were appearing in concert. All my backstage crew had headsets, of course. Only way to communicate with each other and be connected to the booth (lighting and sound). Well – it seems The Stones crew - as well as Keith, Mick and the rest - were wearing the exact same headsets; and (not that you’d think this would happen in a million years) their headsets were set to the exact same frequency as ours.

So – my entire crew listened to The Stones in concert for free (along with all the usual backstage chatter, including some choice remarks from the ‘fellah’s’ themselves). They also heard us – which seemed to really freak them out, for some reason. One guy kept threatening my Stage Manager if she didn’t ‘go away’. She told him to get stuffed. Hell, I thought – shit happens – get over it!

And Lily – I’m sad to hear about ‘Grandpa’. I really liked Al Lewis – though I was more Addams Family than Munster’s. Sad that we have lost so many wonderful people these last two weeks.

michael the tubthumper said...

i was wondering today about why so many more left wing bloggers do it anonymously than right wing ones

Drew Dallons said...

Something wierd happened to this post Lily... or is just me?

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