
Word Of The Year

The Linguistic Society has released the anxiously anticipated pick for Word of The Year: (drum roll) TRUTHINESS.

"Truthiness" refers to the stating of facts that one wants to believe or have others believe but that are not really rooted in facts. Other words of honorable mention included Katrinagate, podcast, and Cruisazy. (behaving like crazy-assed Tom Cruise) Somehow, "truthiness" beat out those stellar offerings.
Now I am hardly the Safire of blogdom, but where I come from we use words like LIES, DELUSIONS, and PROPAGANDA for the act of stating factless allegations, baseless explanations, and manipulative half truths. How many words do we need to describe the antics of Republicons, anyway?


Rex Kramer, Danger Seeker said...

Smile when you say "propaganda."

Neil Shakespeare said...

Truthiness, eh? Hmmm. Sounds like a word you would use in wine talk. That's not quite truth but kinda has that truthy 'bouquet' to it, is that it? But then when you bite into it only to find it's just the same old sugarcoated shit...

Anonymous said...

Now so you know, I posted this BEFORE the Colbert Report!!!!!
When he said it, I was like 'man, what a lame ass post now!" Well, it was a lame ass post anyway. But I love Gore's chutzpah.

Anonymous said...

Blogenfreude: Speaking of linguistics, I was impressed by your mention of the word 'zaftig". At first I thought it was the band with the former member of the Misfits...kidding.

Tedj said...


You're killin' me here. I love your sense of Humor. Come visit my site and see my own. I would love to have your permission to put your blog on my blogroll.

Anonymous said...

Truthiness is next to godliness

Anonymous said...

Lily's implicit goal: kill people.

Something in common with Shrub.

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