
Wheel of Cronyism

"Lets Give The Wheel A Final Spin...big money, big money..."
Want to know what Bush thinks about your uterus, ladies?
Norris Alderson, a FUCKING VETERINARIAN, was the person initially selected to head the Office of Women’s Health after a fulfilling career in animal husbandry. I wonder if they required cows to get the bull’s permission before giving up their calves to the veal crate?
But by some standards, this at least constitutes some form of experience.
Amazing that pro-business Bushcons haven’t gotten a few lessons from HR. Then again, their HR people are probably former unicyclists and puppeteers. (no offense to unicyclists and puppeteers) One would think that all of the combined CEO/Board experience would at least qualify some of them to make informed decisions regarding appointments. Managing ‘people’ is a part of leadership, after all. And ultimately those who select people for jobs are accountable for those selections, right? Dream on. Maybe today we should mock the virtues of the RESUME.
Like Bush’s Constitution- are they just ‘pieces of paper”?
I plucked a few names out of the air for a healthy group cry. It wasn’t hard to think of a few examples. The trouble came in CHOOSING...(continued)

FEMA’s Mike Brown: No experience in emergency management.
FEMA number two, chief of staff Patrick Rhode, Chief of Staff: No Emergency management experience. Scott Morris, Deputy Chief of Staff- FEMA- no emergency management experience.

Nominee Julie Myers- US Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency, Homeland Security. Barely meeting minimal requirements, little management experience. Dubious experience. Oh, you discerning Dubya!

Tracy Henke- Homeland Security Coordination- Little experience. Laughable.
Ellen Sauerbrey- Assistant Secretary of State for Refugees, Population, and Migration, a job with a billion-dollar budget and major voice in directing direct emergency relief operations around the world. No emergency management experience. Not even experience in animal husbandry which explains some of her positions on overpopulation and birth control. Internship with anything ALIVE recommended.

Jay Hallen- Hilarious-24 year old undergraduate, who did not really “follow the stock market”- chosen to rebuild the Iraq stock exchange. (What’s a ticker, Goldman?)
David Safavian- (former procurement official) No experience. But thats ok for his current position.
Gay Hart Gaines-Board of Corporation for Public Broadcasting- Interior Decorator. (Hmm, "All Shabby-Chic Considered"?)

On Karpinski (or, insert incompetent military drone of your choice):
Agitprop referred to the Karpinski interview aired Friday, and in keeping with the theme here, its interesting to note that Karpinski- ‘Prison Abuse Fall Gal”-had no experience in running correctional or detention facilities when she was selected to oversee fifteen Coalition facilities back in 2003. She was also given command of NG and Army Reserve units in Mosul- to oversee units that also had little or no experience with detention.
When the blind lead the blind, we can certainly do without the chorus of surprise.
It occurs to me that I can continue with such appointees and nominees all afternoon. (Meiers! Stellar! Robertson! An unprecedented career, rivalled only by...well, lots of people)
Soapbox: Shouldn’t we demand far better than this, shouldn’t the experience and relevant education of all high level candidates be posted for the world to see, with a review period?


granny said...

Wow Lily, this is the first time I've seen this blog! No kidding, every other time I was here all I got was a test post.

I've been reading and I like it and see that I have a few friends who hang here so I must go mingle silently now.

Anonymous said...

Lily, you are saying that Bush makes dumb appointments? An leader or CEO appoints underlings who are mostly like themselves and that won't out shine them or make them look bad. Does this help you understand BushCo?

Anonymous said...

Lily, you left out the most underqualified person of all — George Bush himself. He was a 2-term governor that his name and daddy's money and contacts bought him, and he had a string of failed business ventures.

He was an accomplished drunk, however. Unfortunately, he gave that up.

Anonymous said...

Blogenfreude- Right! Gotta love the RECESS APPOINTMENT for the shameless task of pushing the horrifically despicable and hopelessly inept.

I think as far as the test post thing, its a url issue. The url is "losenoose"which messes things up, versus "losethenoose" and I had planned to have a redirect button there. So sorry!

Anonymous said...

Ah, but the wife accomplished much with her own adventures in inibriation, no???

enigma4ever said...

Great rant...And considering that women are to be cared for by Animal Husbandry "experts" I am amazed that Brownie didn't end up in charge of our uteruses....

( about your LINK- I think I have it linked wrong as well- I need to list it whcih way?)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm Might it be "uteri"? :) The nod went to somebody else of course after the fury. But the point is, it is demonstrative of the mindset.
Kvatch needs to set us all straight.

Omnipotent Poobah said...

"Managing people is part of leadership"

I've developed a theory that refutes that. In fact, I'd say that the very attributes that make a person a good leader also make them a poor manager.

Managers sit and fiddle with things to keep the flow, constantly trying to retain the status quo. Protedt yourself. Make the numbers. In short, CEOs.

Leaders have vision. Leaders have passion. Leaders get bored with being managers. Leaders can see the forest AND the trees. Bush is not a leader, even though he equates cutting brush on the ranch to, "seeing the forest and the trees".

There are a whole buncha the former and damn few of the latter in the world...especially in the administation of the CEO President.

No Blood for Hubris said...

Vetguy for them pesky femmes is definitely my fave.

jen said...

GREAT post.

Anonymous said...

Norris Alderson, a FUCKING VETERINARIAN, was the person initially selected to head the Office of Women’s Health after a fulfilling career in animal husbandry.

I'm constantly amazed at the depths to which Bu$hCo will sink in the pursuit of cronyism. The problem, as I see it, is that the electorate largely ignores appointees to their own peril. Look at Ashcroft and Gonzales: As dangerous a pair--Constitution-wise--as you can find. Unreal...

Neil Shakespeare said...

I've said this before on other blog comments on this subject: I think the problem is that the Republicans CAN'T find anyone competent or intelligent for the very fact that they are REPUBLICANS! I mean really? Who do they have to choose from? Numbnut A or Numbnut B? Tough choice. Same with College Professors, 95% Democrat. Republicans are just too dumb to teach college.

Anonymous said...

What difference does it make who you appoint to any post in this administration? If ever they should disagree with a Bushco position or if they display any kind of independent thought they become part of the political graveyard. End of story. How do you think we came up with the "Group think" thing?

Anonymous said...

Great post, super rant, all right on target. Thanks.

Drew Dallons said...

See.... if Bush could somehow pair up Alderson with Brownie, he would have a great pair of hands for his stable!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it sad that republicans have to resort to destroying the academic tradition instead of simply abandoning their perpetual ignorance in order to participate? As it is, professors have restrictions based on the parents etc. paying the bills for their privileged youngsters,now we have the 'right' paying spies? Maybe if they record the lectures the byproduct will be that at least they get to HEAR them.

Rex Kramer, Danger Seeker said...

Don't you people get it? The President has made it abundantly clear that he eschews science. "Office of Women's Health?" Please. You don't get much more witchcraft-ery than that!

Reporting from my flat earth,


Anonymous said...

Yes, damn those women and their wayward vaginas...uteri... whatever. Vessels of demonic seduction, them parts are...

enigma4ever said...

Oh, dear such a lovely rant and I murdered the plural of Uterus- my four years of Latin straight down the toilet....I do apologize- yes it is "UTERI"....I will never let it happen again...

yup.. As Gore said last week in my Hero Moment of the Week.... ( yeah, ahem ,like there have been SOOOO many hero moments in recent monthes..cough gag cough...)

'In the early years of this country: "The men feared Witches and Burned Women"....'

dumb son of a bitch's are back....

I gotta go Fluffy's out in the car trying to back over old women....huh, I had NO idea he knew how to drive...

Anonymous said...

You go, Lily.

The underqualified, or NONqualified people aren't bothering him in the least. The more incompetent he makes the administration look, the more willing the public is to let him auction off chunks of the government to his buddies in corporate America.

Eli Blake said...

You think Bush respects your uterus? He called the anti-abortion rally today to promise that he would be there for them and that 'we' (meaning he and them) would win.

And for once, I think he means what he says.

Wow. Word verification: 'oldmm.' When I first saw it, I thought it said, 'old man.' Like Bush.

Anonymous said...

You gotta love word verification. I love when it actually says real words- what an exciting life I lead, eh?
Uteri, uteruseseseses...whats the difference? They're doomed.

Anonymous said...

Would you prefer an MD?

Cold water shower. It's harder to get into vet school than med school.

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