
Our Fine Media

So after midnight, I was watching reports that all but one of the trapped miners have survived. 5:04 a.m. turns out it was a mistake, and all but one have died. The company claims "miscommunication" according to our news station. Miscommunication?
So lets take a guess here- do you think there will be significant coverage about the safety violations of this company? Here's hoping so.


Anonymous said...

HA! You woke up in denial today, huh? Too much Penn State in the house????

Neil Shakespeare said...

And the War in Iraq didn't actually happen. And Al Gore is president. And George Bush died by drowning in a pool of his own vomit in a Texas drunk tank.

Anonymous said...

Wish you'd throw some revisionism on the genocide that we do nothing about too while you're at it. Oh don't get me started.
Ah, see: Al Gore was also the intelligent designer! And the internet is a portal through which we can comsume ourselves...

Lew Scannon said...

Over at Fire Of Liberty, he talks of the campaign to build a memorial for those who died at the hands of Communism. I'll bet it's not half as much as the people who have died because of Capitalism, where's their memorial?
The media failed to get it right, because they are in a rush to get it first. And any investigations of the safety violations will be used as a distraction from the whole Abramhoff scandal.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, yet another piece to the puzzle is revealed. Who might be behind this conspiracy? We all know who, they run the stock market, and here is a bigger hint, they run Hollywood also. Got it yet?

Lew Scannon said...

Hey! An apologist! How does it feel to be proud of a bunch of criminals? If Dennis Hastert was so sincere about donating his bribe, he would have done it before he was about to get caught. In fact, if he was really really sincere, he wouldn't have taken it in the first place. Only going to prove that those who prattle on about family values are the ones with the least amount of values in their soul.

enigma4ever said...

I liked your comment about the pissivity vote- and yes indeed we don't need Media interviewing people about their Heartache- we do need to know about the Friggin' diryt company and their 238 Signifigant Safety violations and that they were given the option to close sections and correct three times in the past two monthes...and yes, we need to know Why No Govet officials were interviewed MOSHA or Mining regulators- who was calling the shots down there in the Hollow- the friggin Coal Company - which as of MN tonight= Still NOTHING about the Disaster on their website- just dishonor of these poor families- some CEO's need to go to prison..period.thanks for coming over...( I love your blog- need to add you to my blogroll this weekend)..this was suposed to be the week I took off with my son..ohwell...keep bloggin...

Anonymous said...

Thats always my gripe, and people that know me get tired of hearing about it (because boy do they hear about it!) but its tiresome for me as "Ms. Public" to have to watch these irresponsible companies continuously worry about their image and PR instead of lives.
When it was discovered that the protective suits for people in the military to protect them from chemical weapons were defective, did anybody yell? Did anybody put "protect our troops from radiation" magnaets on their SUVs?? No, these people are rewarded by more contracts for a lousy record of service.
Always great to see you Enigma.

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