
By All Means, Vent.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty or safety."-Franklin
"If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy."-Madison
"What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly."-Paine
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid people are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."-Russell
Lose the noose now- conscience demands it.


Anonymous said...

Why does his smurk look like he has a cat's vagina on his face????

Drew Dallons said...

I normally try not to feel this way but right now, I really hate America. I don't know how else to put it. My faith in democracy is slowly being eroded.

Anonymous said...

Great post. Why were all of these smart people so concerned about losing our liberty? Let me refill my kool-aid.

Anonymous said...

These warnings of history foretold that which is now happening . . . perpetrated by an idiot who doesn't even read history.

Anonymous said...

Why does his smurk look like he has a cat's vagina on his face????

"Try to look busy. Try to look busy. Where's that damn speech?"

Lew Scannon said...

He looks like a chimpanzee! Has any one else ever noticed that?

Lily said...

I am already sick and pissed off,and it hasn't even started yet...Gee, could Paula Zahn be any more biased? Where's my bucket?

Lily said...

I think Blogger distorted the picture somehow... his lips look really weird now that you mention it... they don't in the original..although he looks chimpy all the time..

Frederick said...

I think the NSA blurred out his lips for you after that pussy cat pussy remark. Say thank you BIg BrOtheR!

Anonymous said...

Can they DO that?

enigma4ever said...

that would be a cat with chlamydia....

complete with draining pustules....

omy omy I have indeed sunk to a new low...

Lily said...

Grab your mug and have a seat Enigma...

Lily said...

I actually DO have a collection...I think it started when I printed out wrapping paper of celebrity middle fingers for a father's day gift for my dad... we have that kind of family. He mails me things addressed to "the communist'. And he sends me NRA literature too... genetics are a bitch.

Drew Dallons said...

HAHAHAHA! Lily, you crack me up! My father is an avowed Ann Coulter loving Repugnican and my mother worships the ground Pat Robertson walks on (or used to). Imagine the fun when my unmarried communist/feminist girlfriend and I came to visit and the discussion turned to God and politics.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Drew, I've BEEN the communist/feminist girlfriend for many poor schleps in your situation. I feel for her. Earplugs, tell her.

Well the speech was all that I expected, but the Democratic response was better than I expected. Kaine delivered, in my opinion.

I will leave Lew Scannon to give the official Lose The Noose opinion. :)

enigma4ever said...

I only watched part ..and then I muted him.,..and put on Marvin Gaye "What's Going on and Inner City Blues"
and then my head stopped pulsing...and then the College students went by my downtown apt building banging pots and pans "IMPEACH BUSH" chanted Loud and Clear...and Angry....that helped and then I watched the Kaine- and that was interesting...
but I didn't watch any of the pontificating..and I am angry at the effin Demo's...I will read the transcript in am...

Kaine was interesting- and had some very subtle messeges for the King- if he was listening...

( wow- we are lucky that Drew turned out okay...)

Anonymous said...

tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies....Interesting that he wants us to decrease our reliance on ME oil at about the expected time it will RUN OUT.

Anonymous said...

Lew: I had your questions answered hours ago, and damn you for making me even think about my Cher moment. I almost called you up so you could suffer through me singing "I Got You Babe". THAT would teach you to mess with my seventies nostalgia.She outta work on loving her daughter and stepping up like a real woman, less on thongs and hairband guitarists.

Aethlos said...
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Aethlos said...

Three words: "nu" "kyu" "ler".
Most people who add whole phonemes to words are morons. But i don't want to sound judgmental... lest i hurt, scar, and/or diminish "Shrub". ;)

Anonymous said...

In my version of the events of last night, the Democrats stood up at the fourth mention of the word, "Freedom" and filed out of the hall in protest.

Reality doesn't satisfy me, that's why I'm a fiction writer.

Aethlos said...

leaving after the 4th mention would have spared them from hearing him say it another THIRTEEN times. Yes, i actually counted... that kind of word repetition annoys me... so i counted. Seventeen total... yes, i counted... that kind of word repetition annoys me, SEVENTEEN TIMES... i actually counted.... i'm annoyed by repetition... SEVENTEEN times... i actually counted.

Anonymous said...

But did you play 'buzz-word' bingo?

Frederick said...

If only Cindy had keep on the sweatshirt for 15 more minutes, and then taken it off. That would have made for good T.V.!

Anonymous said...

Yes- I said that criticism about the way people talk or express themselves can hurt, scar, and diminish them and you are helpful to point out the inconsistencies of saying things like fuckwads and dobosmites. And wingnut war-whores...I am many things by degree but by current profession- I am a social worker- and I speak from my experience with children that are called morons, stupid, etc. by their 'loving families' every day. It was in that context that I said there are smart people that speak like morons because they are raised by moron parents and they learn what they live. I do not hold shitty parentage against a child.
Aptitude for language is but one of dozens of competencies we can look at. If we really need to evaluate the myopic 'worth' gage of intelligence at all... A brilliant person that sits on their ass all day pontificating is not more worthy of applause in my estimation than somebody who uses their moron mind for good. I try to use my moron mind for good- when I can.
Now public servants do not work for Exxon, they are paid by us to work for US, and are held to a scrutiny and standard permissable in the sense that we have the right to comment on the quality of any service/skill rendered on our COLLECTIVE OPINIONATED OBSERVANT behalf. Calling cronycrazed theocratic fascists 'fuckwads' might indeed be wrong,(and unladylike!) but I go on record to say that I do not regard it as the same thing as telling a friend she is a moron simply because she misuses a word. I advocate a standard with a bit more scope.
By your standard, I am a moron. True? But see- once we spend time around lots of smart people though and big words lose their pretentious allure, it comes down to far more. You can train me to talk the talk, but you cannot train me to process.
What can I say? I am what I am. You get what you get!

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