
Where's Dat Ol' Boomin' Economy?

Tuesday, when President Bush gives his State of The Union Address (like this guy has any clue), one of the things he is expected to tout, beyond invoking 9/11 like a magical incantation, is this wonderful (alleged) booming economy! And as I look around, I wonder, just where is this booming economy ?
It's certainly not in Chicago, where 24,500 Rex Kramer wannabes lined up for 325 jobs at Wal-Mart . And it's not at Ford Motor Company, where 30,000 workers are looking at a pink slip (what the hell, Michigan is a blue state anyway). You can bet when he does make the claim, no one in the isolated ivory towers of the corporate media will call him on it.
Maybe he's looking at the CEO of Halliburton...(continued) who cashed in 380,981 shares of Halliburton stock for a mere $25,230,000.00. Maybe he's planning on converting it into euros before Iran starts selling it's oil in euros in March. When that happens, the only booming economy will be the one blowing up in Bush's face.
Maybe Bush is looking at Chevron which posted quarterly profits of $4,140,000,000.00 up 20%. I'm sure all his other oil buddies are raking it in, and will probably rake in more once we bomb Iran.

What ever his claims, I'm sure they won't go to far in waylaying the fears of 60% of Americans who feel that Bush is not handling the economy well at all. I don't even think he cares. He is a war president, not an economy president.


Lily said...

Government by the elite, for the elite.

Anonymous said...

'...gonna smoke de economy out of its cave...'

Neil Shakespeare said...

It's booming so damn loud it's shattering my eardrums. I think we have to lower the boom.

Alexander Wolfe said...

Well, by booming he meant "It's workin' pretty darn well for my base...the rich!"

enigma4ever said...

yup..lower the fucking boom...right now ....and mymy Lilly you have a nw hair doo...hmmm, almost made me miss those glorious days of Reagonomics....

Anonymous said...

We have more Reaganomicising going on now than we did when Reagan was fucking around...now we have the lovely aftertaste of his wage suppressing, union fucking, set-the-table-for-welfare- gutting, start-the-outsource-party now job sucking...shitocratic CRESCENDO that is BUSH....

Beth said...

Hi Lily,

I will do my way overdo 7 meme if you do.

And how do you get recents comments to appear on your sidebar?

Lily said...

OK I did my Johnny Meme-onics courtesy of Robot Buddha, here. Now you go at it Lizzy! As for sidebar comments...There is a code you add to the template- it should be under 'blogger hacks'...

Drew Dallons said...

I just wanted to say that your current photo/avatar is downright scary.

As for the economy... whey they say that the economy is doing great, basically they mean it's going great for shareholders. Shareholders make a mint off of corporate downsizing and moving production overseas. I'm sure they are a happy bunch.

michael the tubthumper said...

Re the state of the union... watch this 1 minute thing

download options on the left hand side...

Anonymous said...

One of the things Bush is going to emphasize tomorrow night is the need to find alternatives to fossil fuels.

Wanna bet he can't say it with a straight face?

Anonymous said...

The alternatives to fossil fuels discussion tends to come down to NUKES NUKES, AND MORE NUKES! Because they seem to feel that we have two choices: Oil and plutonium.
Thats the problem with his view on 'alternative energy'!!
Not wind, solar, or hydro...just things that fuck up the planet. Clean indstries need not apply.

BibleBelted said...

Well, I certainly hopes that he conducts himself better on Tuesday night than he did during his speech in Kansas. Was I the only one who caught this, but didn't he act just a little...goofy...during that speech? Never mind the fact that it was held before an audience of 9000 preselcted supporters. At one point he strectched his torso out horizonatally across the podium, made some moronic remarks about personal surveillance, and wore this elated, grinning face that suggested something highly akin to hypomania. And then there was the squinting and blinking. At the time I wondered if he had fallen off the wagon, but then it dawned on me Bush is addicted to power and religion as he was to alcohol and cocaine.

BibleBelted said...

hopes should read hope. It's been a loooong day and I'm beat!

BibleBelted said...

The problem with nuclear waste is that I have yet to think of a part of the terran landscape that hasn't experienced some kind of significant geological change in the time it would take the nuclear waste to break down into safer elements. Ditto to manmade objects. How many human-built structures do you know that have survived for 100,000 thousand years or longer?

Lily said...

Silly Brandon, you mean steel drums off the coast aren't built to outlast the half-lives? Are you suggesting an earthquake in say, Nevada, could compromise the contents of those rubbermaid containers??

I posted somewhere below while that speech was on, I was quite speechless much of the time because he was a bit out there...

BibleBelted said...

Why of COURSE not! Haven't you heard? The Bush Administration wants to put Plutonium on the top of the food pyramid. Word has it that all the people they've been listening in on for the past several years will be easier to find when they glow in the dark.

Anonymous said...

I've been reading about this very subject, cosmically enough, and Nader's involvement with the proposed transport of radioactive waste to treatment plans to 'recycle' them...when I read the study he cited about what one small vat could do to a million people, the scenario sounded so insane to me that I could not believe it to be true...and yet, such materials are being wrecklessly transported in other parts of the world as DAV (above) has written about...on one hand, yes, we need to wean from fossil fuels but I do not like their version of alternative energy.

Anonymous said...

Sorry- DAV was in the other thread, but he blogs at "Fighting Evil With Evil"on the blogroll. Thats the DAV I mean!

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